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Accounting Concepts And Conventions Assignment

Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, and summarizing financial transactions to provide information that is useful in making business decisions. The basic accounting concepts and conventions assignment are essential to understand in order to be able to read and prepare financial statements. The purpose of this article is to explain the basic accounting concepts and conventions.

Get Ahead In Your Accounting Class With These Concepts And Conventions

Whether you’re in college or working as an accountant, accounting concepts and conventions will help you tremendously in your coursework and career development. These essential accounting terms and principles are essential to know if you want to be successful in the world of accounting, so it’s always wise to brush up on them from time to time. This article covers some of the most important accounting concepts and conventions, so read on to get yourself on the path toward Accounting Mastery!

Accounting Concepts And Conventions Assignment

Going Concern

The going concern assumption, as stated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), is a fundamental concept of accounting that reflects the expectation that an entity will operate indefinitely. This assumption is made because it is assumed that the company will not dissolve or go bankrupt. FASB assumes that a company will have enough income to cover its expenses during periods when it may be experiencing losses. In other words, this means the company has enough cash flow to maintain operations without coming out of business.

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The conservatism principle is a core tenet of accounting. There are two types of conservatism: prudence, which is the belief that information should not be provided unless it can be assured to be accurate; and materiality, which defines what level of uncertainty will affect the financial statements. It’s prudent to report conservatively because while it may provide more information than necessary, this will ensure that all the information is correct. As well as reporting conservatively, there are many other principles to accounting such as consistency, reliability, relevance and verifiability.


– Conservatism is an accounting concept that provides a conservative estimate of the number. 

– This is done by using the lower level of any two estimates. 

– For example, a company’s inventory might be valued at $500,000 or $1,000,000. Conservatism would say to use $500,000 as the value. A positive cash flow is known as cash inflow whereas a negative cash flow is known as cash outflow.

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Accounting Concepts And Conventions Assignment

Matching Principle

Accrual Accounting vs. Cash Accounting 

The United States generally uses accrual accounting, which is a method of accounting for revenue that has been earned but not yet received and for expenses that have been incurred but not yet paid. This method of accounting is useful because it avoids the need to wait until the money is received or spent before recognizing the corresponding expense or income on your financial statements. In contrast, cash accounting – which the U.K., India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and other countries use – is a simpler system that only recognizes revenues when they are received and expenses when they are paid.

Accounting Concepts And Conventions Assignment

Revenue Recognition Principle

The principle of Revenue Recognition is one of the most important accounting principles, as it’s essentially the backbone of the entire accounting process. It dictates that revenue should only be recognized once it has been earned. The principle can be broken down into two main categories: 

– Tangible or realizable revenue is revenue that can be physically seen and touched, such as when a customer pays for a product at a retail store. 

– Intangible or unrealized revenue is revenue that cannot be seen or touched, such as when a company sells advertising space on TV programs.

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Full Disclosure Principle

A budget is a plan for spending money, whereas a forecast is an estimate of what you’ll spend. It’s important to know the difference between the two because budgets are mandatory, but forecasts are more optional. What you need to do with budgets depends on whether you’re trying to reach your goals or just balance your spending. For example, if you want to save up some money, then budgeting is perfect for that. If you’re trying to figure out how much money you’ll have left over after paying all your bills each month, then forecasting is what will help answer that question.

Dual Aspect Concept

A budget is a plan for the future that is based on your current costs. A forecast is a prediction of the future based on past performance. A forecast uses statistical techniques to predict what will happen next, while a budget takes into account all possible outcomes. Forecasts can be useful when you want to know what might happen in the future but don’t want to set specific plans (for example, if you were planning to build an addition onto your house). A forecast also helps you understand how likely it is that something will happen – so if you are predicting whether or not someone will call you back within 5 minutes, forecasting would work better than budgeting because it could give more accurate information about the likelihood of this happening.

Business Entity Concept

There are three forms of business entities: sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. A sole proprietor is an individual who owns his or her own business. The partnership is a group of two or more people who have come together to form a business. A corporation is made up of one or more people who have come together to form a legal entity.

Time Period Assumption

This assignment is due by the end of the week, so it is important to get it done quickly. You can plan to spend about one hour on this assignment for every credit hour you are taking. The first thing you should do is make a time period assumption. This means that you need to think about when you will have time to work on this assignment. Once you know your time period, then you can start planning what parts of the assignment need to be done when. For instance, if your time period was from Monday to Friday, then the best day for doing most of the research would be Wednesday or Thursday because these days allow for enough free time during other parts of your schedule. Make sure that each day’s assignments are mapped out before beginning them so that there are no surprises.


What is an accrual basis of accounting?

An accrual basis of accounting records revenue when it is earned (not when it is paid) and expenses when they are incurred (not when they are paid). This approach recognizes the true cost of a transaction. In other words, if you spend $10 today for something you will use next month, an accrual basis accounting system will show that your company spent $10 this month even though you didn’t actually spend the money today.

What are the three types of financial statements?

There are three types of financial statements, the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. The balance sheet is a snapshot of your company’s assets, liabilities, and net worth at one point in time.

What is the difference between a budget and a forecast?

A budget is a plan for how you think your company will spend money. A forecast is a prediction of what you think your company will do with money.